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P8 Flowering Lawn Wildflower & Grass Seed Mix 80:20

P8 Flowering Lawn Wildflower & Grass Seed Mix 80:20

P8 Flowering Lawn Wildflower & Grass Seed Mix 80:20

Wildflowers 20%: Betony, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Catsear, Common Daisy, Common Sorrel, Common Trefoil, Kidney Vetch, Ladys Bedstraw, Meadow Buttercup, Oxeye Daisy, Ribwort Plantain, Rough Hawkbit, Selfheal, Sheeps Sorrel, Toadflax, Wild Mignonette, Wild Red Clover & Yarrow


Grasses 80%: Crested Dogstail, Chewings Fescue, Slender Creeping Red Fescue, Hard Fescue, Browntop Bentgrass, Yellow Oatgrass, Sweet Vernal Grass, Meadow Foxtail


Why Buy this product?

  • UK native wildflower seed mix
  • Ingredients specially selected for low growing, species rich eco lawns 
  • Can adapt to regular mowing or leave longer cutting 1-2 times per year (leave to flower in Summer for best results).
  • Ingredients naturally grow between 5-50cm (may vary in fertile/non fertile soils)
  • Can be added to slow growing grasses (without Ryegrass) or new areas
  • Environmentally friendly (provides habitats for Bees, Butterflies, other Insects and Birds)
  • Sow in Spring or Autumn
  • Our mixtures include a large amount of species from the RHS Plants For Pollinators wildflower seed list
  • Use our wildflower seed growing guide for best results
  • For first year colour, we would recommend sowing with AC1 Cornfield Annual Wildflower Seed. It will provide lots of colour and will grow on most soil types (except extreme conditions/soil types)


(Please note that the actual varieties may vary according to availability; any substitutions are made with nearest equivalent appropriate species where available)


Sowing rates:

Grass/Wildflower mix (80:20) - 5 grams per m2

250 g covers an area up to 50m2

500 g covers an area up to 100m2

1 kg covers an area up to 200m2

5 kg covers an area up to 1000m2

10 kg covers an area up to 2000m2

P8 Flowering Lawn Wildflower & Grass Seed Mix 80:20

SKU: 8992


Weight (The more you buy, the more you save)



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