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HC5 Kaleidoscope Wildflower Seed 100%

HC5 Kaleidoscope Wildflower Seed 100%


  • Wildflower 100%: Blue Flax, California Poppy, Corn Cockle, Corn Marigold, Corn Poppy, Cornflower, Golden Tickseed, Larkspur, Phacelia, Red Flax, Shirley Singles Poppy & Zinnia Elegans (Mix)


Key Points:

  • A burst of bright, vivid colours from this annual mix
  • Produces early and reliable wildflowers in the year of sowing
  • Colours include: Blue, Red, Purple, Yellow, Pink and White
  • Excellent for wildlife habitats
  • Very natural and colourful
  • Low maintenance 
  • A low seed rate
  • Easy to grow and establish
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