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HC10 The Bees Knees Wildflower Seed 100%

HC10 The Bees Knees Wildflower Seed 100%


  • Wildflower 100%: Bishops Flower, Black Eyed Susan, California Poppy, Candytuft, Cornflower, Fairy Toadflax, Garden Cosmos, Love-In-A-Mist, Peredovic Sunflower, Phacelia, Sulphur Cosmos, Teasel, Foxglove, Vipers Bugloss, Carthusian Pink, Common Knapweed, Devils Bit Scabious, Field Scabious, Greater Knapweed, Jacobs Ladder, Michaelmas Daisy, Purple Coneflower, Red Campion, Sainfoin, Yarrow, Yarrow Cloth Of Gold & Yarrow Colorado Blend


Key Points:

  • A bright and attractive mix of Wildflowers that was designed with bees in mind
  • Huge amounts of colours - Colours Include: Pink, Purple, Yellow, Blue, White, Red and Orange 
  • Mixtures include Annuals and Perennials which gives colour in the first year and beyond
  • Includes a wide selection of Wildflowers
  • Enviromentally friendly
  • Low maintenance 
  • Low sowing rate
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